Groundwork Protocol

For the next 3 weeks, follow these guidelines as best you can.


  1. Rise with the sun and unplug with the sun - turn your phone on airplane mode when the sun dips below the horizon. Avoid artificial light after sunset, especially screens. Candlelight is ideal (or a fire). Turn off the WIFI in the house at sunset. If there are streetlights, close the curtains or do what is needed to block out the light. Slip into the right brain. Relaxation, reception, intuition, creation.
  2. Go to sleep when your body tells you, no need for a clock. Wake up without an alarm. Take the time you need in the morning to attune to your body. Walk outside and expose your skin and eyes to sunlight before turning on electronics.
  3. Move every day. Dance, dance, dance.
  4. Get your bare feet on the earth as often as possible.



  1. Refined sugar
  2. Dairy (organic ghee is ok)
  3. Alcohol
  4. Wheat gluten
  5. Caffeine
  6. Vegetable oils such as sunflower, safflower, canola, etc. Replace with ghee, cold-pressed olive oil (do not heat), cold-pressed coconut oil (small amounts) or cold-pressed avocado oil. Note: most nut milks are high in sugar and use polyunsaturated oils. Same with vegan "dairy".
  7. All processed foods with chemical additives and preservatives.

If you decide to eat meat, be sure it comes from a trusted source, where the animals have a good life and healthy diet. Fresh fish, grass fed meat, etc.

Eat plenty of local, organic, seasonal fresh fruits and veggies.

Nutrient Absorption:

  1. Eat in balance with your physical activity. Listen deeply to your body in terms of when you need to eat, how much and what. Take pleasure in eating slowly, chewing well and enjoying your food.
  2. Eat your first meal before 9am (Stomach qi peaks between 7-9am, and better utilizes nutrients during this time). Choose something warm and nourishing like poached eggs and steamed veggies, or bone broth with sweet potato (this is for the nervous system). Warm stews are also great for breakfast
  3. Ideally make lunch the biggest meal of the day, eaten when the sun is highest in the sky. Digestive fire is strong at this time.
  4. Eat a light dinner before the sun sets.
  5. Avoid mixing protein and carbohydrates. Eat protein alone with veggies or carbs alone with veggies. Fruit is best on an empty stomach.
  6. Do not combine fluids with food. Wait 30 minutes after drinking to eat and wait 2 hours after eating to drink (unless it's fruit, which only needs about 30 minutes to digest).
  7. Swap out your water for fresh spring water - or a quality local water. Luso is a good brand.


Connecting with Cannabis

Create a conscious smoking ritual.

Choose the best cannabis you can find from a trusted grower, as well as quality papers and filters that are free of bleach and chemicals - especially the filters. Find yourself a very nice lighter that is designated for Cannabis use. Treat these as sacred objects and keep them together in a nice pouch or box (whatever is most convenient). This is all in honor of the spirit of Cannabis, to be treated with deep respect.

The moment you have the desire to smoke, take a few deep breaths and tune in with the part of you that would like to smoke. Connect here with full awareness of your body and the essence of the urge. Where in your body/being is the craving coming from? How does your body feel in that moment? What is the quality of your breathing in that moment? How is your heart feeling? Are you experiencing discomfort anywhere physically or emotionally? Really scan yourself and make space for anything that arises. The key is to make this a highly conscious act of connection.

When you decide to roll the joint, take a moment to acknowledge Cannabis. Ask for her permission and guidance. Thank her. You may be inspired to offer something in return for her medicine.

Create a ritual in the way you roll the joint with your full presence. When you take the first drag, really pay attention to how it feels, tastes and smells. Use all your senses and pay attention to the small details of how your body responds. How it influences your emotions and nervous system. How it feels entering your throat and lungs, etc. This is a meditation down to the last detail.

Personalize this ritual in a way that feels good for you, with the intention of connecting with Cannabis and your own being every single time you decide to smoke.

Empty your mind and allow yourself to be in an open, receptive and intuitive state while smoking so that you may receive any insight or messages Cannabis may have for you. Treat her as you would any sacred plant medicine.

Physical Exercise

Dance, stretch and move however and in whatever way your body desires. Get weird with it. Have fun.
Do it multiple times a day, shake up stagnation. Channel energy down into your roots.

Body Journal (3 weeks):

  • Take short notes throughout the day of anything you ingest (food, liquids, herbs, plant medicine, etc).
  • Notice your bodily sensations, such as tension, relaxation, heavy, energized, etc. and what is going on around you while sensing these things.
  • Note parts of the body where you may hold tension or certain breathing patterns.
  • Pay attention to how you feel around certain people and environments.
  • Track your sleep patterns

These are simple observations to jot down throughout the day with an objective perspective. As if you are observing an organism's activity without trying to change anything.

If you feel drawn to it, keep a dream journal.

Herbal Formula

INGREDIENTS: Angelica, Calendula, Hibiscus, Rose Hip, Bilberry, Amanita Muscaria, Lemon Balm, Hawthorn Berry, Lavender, Wormwood, Licorice Root, Rosemary, local honey, essences of Morning Glory, Tobacco, Foxglove and Dandelion. Infused in Portuguese artisanal Medronho menstruum.

*All ingredients are responsibly wildcrafted or organic, and prepared biodynamically.

SUGGESTED USE: Take 30-60 drops 2-3 times a day.

PROPER CARE: Best stored in a cool, dry area.

30 ml

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